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Not everything that soars is an eagle




When you look at TESTIMONIALS you will see that we lead with the Vice-Chairman of Honeywell, and have included recommendations from other C-Suite individuals as well.  We have more, for we are generally hired by the CEO or Chairman and then continue to report to him/her in addition to working through a designee.  That has been true for large companies, such as Honeywell and Campbell's, and smaller single-owner privately held companies as well.  It is also true for government.


C-Suite individuals typically understand the personal dynamics of decision-making.  The risk-reward analysis for lower-level executives is inclusive of their own personal/professional risk-reward - rather than a decision based solely on the business' risk-reward.  For example, a lower level tax executive may feel that his/her continued employment is at risk if higher level executives discover that significant financial opportunities were unknown to that lower-level executive - opportunities that those higher in the organization believe SHOULD have been known to that lower level tax executive, thereby costing the company years and years of financial opportunity.  


So if the decision to engage US Consults is delegated to lower level tax executives, what is the probability that we will be hired?  Simply put, zero.


The same scenario repeats for lower-level folks in other areas, whether it be government relations, energy management, real estate, etc.


Our value is that we deliver previously unknown yet significant financial benefits to clients - making the impossible possible, the unaffordable affordable.  As to state and local tax, time and time again we will follow a tax audit and find gold - because we will understand the geology, dig the mine, mine the ore, and then refine it for our client.  What others see as empty hills, we see as gold.  We see possibility because we know the law - not just the tax law, but other codes that can affect taxability.


Our domain is a domain unshared with McKinsey, Kearney and Little.  It is a domain unshared with PWC, Deloitte and the rest.


It is my hope that you will take a few moments to explore our website - and then contact us to meet and discuss how we can help you.  We will share openly with you redacted documentation that evidences the magnitude of benefits we have negotiated for our clients.


We've provided links below to assist you in your education on who we are, what we do, and most importantly, what it means to our clients.  


In advance, I thank you for your time.


Phillip Rogers

Managing Principal





(631) 474.1151



Jackson, Wyoming



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