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US Consults creates new strategic options for manufacturers by significantly reducing their investment. operating and research costs through negotiations. Those costs are non-value added, and in as much as our clients' competitors continue to experience such costs, we also enable our clients to achieve a significant competitive advantage.
Each client is unique. What's valuable to one client may have little to no value to another. As such, we customize each negotiation and the resulting deliverable to our client and its unique needs. We do this by cobbling together negotiated benefits from federal, state, and local government and from utilities. These benefits have real cash value to our clients, and they are discretionary - meaning that a company is not entitled to the benefit "by right". Many of the benefits we deliver are not even based in a program; rather they are "stealth" meaning they are not published or publicized; in many instances they are unknown to all but the most senior government officials. In some instances, we actually educate government officials on the law, its application and the availability of new monies.
Examples of benefits we've delivered:
>$750 million subsidy of an investment of equal amount.
Multiple > $100 million subsidies for manufacturing relocations. All costs subsidized (designed as cash flow neutral for client - with government providing advances where required) including start-up and transitional costs. This includes:
New building (and land)
New equipment
Industrial engineering
Architecture & Design
Equipment & personnel relocation
Utility special contracts (below tariff), tax abatements, tax exemptions and other benefits designed to provide a set improvement in costs
Start-up and transitional extraordinary costs including
duplicate overhead (during transition)
increased inventory
duplicate staffing
increased working capital / credit facility
employee training
3. Multiple multi-million dollar grants plus tax abatements, tax exemptions, utility special contracts, and wage subsidies for manufacturing
retention even when downsizing - subsidizing investment, operating and R&D costs.
In short, we make it possible for a manufacturer to relocate without cost or alternatively to stay where it is with operating. investment and research costs reduced so that it can mitigate competitors' cost advantages enjoyed by the competitors' locations - and in most instances gain competitive advantage.
As you're reading this, perhaps you've already started asking yourself a few questions:
1. If I could relocate or expand my company without any impact on cash flow or credit facilities and without any demand for investment or operating capital and without any increased operating or overhead costs, how would that affect my vision of the future, strategic plans and resource deployment?
2. If I could purchase new equipment for a 50% reduction in cost, how would that affect my deployment of capital?
3. If I could reduce wage and utility costs (utility by more than 50%), how would that affect my plans and strategies?
4. If I could do all of the above, how would that affect my ability to compete?