We reduce perceived uncontrollable and embedded costs through negotiations.
If a purchaser or user of energy and/or utilities is our client, that client realizes lower costs. If the purchaser is a trader, the trader enjoys arbitrage vs market.
If an energy producer or other owner of mineral interests is our client, that client realizes increased net income from the elimination or reduction in embedded costs.
As you can see from "What We Do", the outcome depends on the type of client. So, too, does the method to achieve the result differ depending on client category. In all instances, however, the benefits we deliver are achieved through negotiations - and those benefits are all discretionary (not entitlements).
For energy producers and other owners of mineral interests: We structure transactions that obviate otherwise embedded costs - providing savings approaching as much as 10%. Our method is construed as IP provided the same protections as a trade secret in a ruling by the Texas Attorney General - so it definitely is both unique, and legal. More information is available by visiting our webpage -
- or by contacting us -
For large volume purchaser of natural gas and/or crude oil: We structure transactions that obviate otherwise embedded costs. Our method and the savings are the same as for energy producers (and other mineral interest owners - such as royalty owners). See above for links to more information.
For consumers of electricity: We address the comprehensive cost structure for electricity. This translates into a multi-faceted approach:
Off-grid solution - research, analyze, negotiate and deliver. EXAMPLES:
For one customer who also was interested in the PR for green energy, we negotiated a comprehensive fuel cell solution that had ZERO CAPEX and a contractual guarantee of 40% savings versus the utility plus ESCO cost. The fuel cell was on-property, but owned, operated and maintained by a highly qualified third party that sold the output under a long-term fixed price agreement (with pricing guarantees and downward adjustments to ensure savings). We negotiated and delivered significant discretionary cash government grants (and other government benefits) that had a seminal impact on the ultimate contractual cost per kWh for our client. The result: our client was able to execute its green initiative without CAPEX and with realizing an operating cost benefit.
For other customers without a green agenda, we evaluate the off-grid solution for its financial impact - negotiating discretionary grants and other government benefits utilizing our unique skills at developing and presenting the raisons d'état and d'être. Once all facts are in hand - including competitive pricing for both purchased commodity and special contracts for local distribution - an informed decision is then made by the client regarding proceeding with either distributed generation or utility special contracts.
On-grid commodity (energy) cost reduction - for large consumers:
One solution consists of negotiating comprehensive tolling. Specifically one component consists of the elimination of embedded costs in generation fuel as discussed previously. The second component is the negotiation of the tolling agreement through a generation provider. The client then has the option to manage the transmission itself or have us negotiate a management agreement with a qualified party.
A second solution we've delivered for literally dozens of clients in multiple states consists of negotiating (and delivering contracts for) discretionary supplies of government-generated power at significant cost benefit to the client. When we pioneered this approach, virtually only a handful of select politically influential users of power were aware of the possibility. Once again our skill at establishing the raisons d'état and d'être as well as our dedication to legal authority is essential for success in this strategy which has delivered costs savings as much as 90% versus standard tariff rates.
A third solution is elevated negotiating capabilities - including purchasing strategies based on in-depth research and analysis (economic, political, etc.). Because of our decades experience in this field, we have a database of actual line item operating costs of literally hundreds of generating plants which enables us to intelligently negotiate for the best price.
A fourth solution applies to clients in an area that is still regulated: we have 40 years of experience successfully negotiating special contracts (bundled rates) - a success highly dependent on the skills we have in research and analysis and our ability to develop and communicate effective raisons d'état and d'être.
On-grid commodity (energy) cost reduction - activities will vary with the client's electricity consumption. For smaller consumers: ​
​Tolling is not a practical option for smaller consumers, but the government-sourced power is a viable vehicle that we have used successfully for numerous clients - delivering savings as much as 90%.
A second solution is elevated negotiating capabilities - as described previously.
A third solution applies to clients in regulated areas - and is the same as the bundled special contracts described above.
​On-grid local distribution cost reduction - we specialize in negotiating special contracts that deliver significant savings without compromising service levels (firm, etc.). Once again, our unique skills at negotiating through development of the raisons d'état and d'être is essential for both success and the magnitude of that success in achieving reductions.
On-grid electric utility-related tax reduction - Our approach - statute not program and policy - and our innate understanding of the law in conjunction with our significant engineering, research & development and manufacturing experience has enabled us to achieve exemptions thought impossible.
For consumers of natural gas: We address the comprehensive cost structure for natural gas. This translates into a multi-faceted approach, not unlike that for electricity:
Commodity (energy) cost reduction - for large consumers:
As discussed above for purchasers like marketers as well as owners of mineral interests, we structure transactions that obviate otherwise embedded costs. This approach can reduce commodity costs by as much as 10%. See above for links to more information.
A second solution we've delivered utilizes the arbitrage between delivery points to minimize the flame-tip cost of the commodity for the consumer.
A third aspect focuses on disparities in the MMBTU values of the gas delivered versus the gas billed.
A fourth aspect focuses on disparities in the system losses and quantity-related billing disparities between pipeline companies, marketers and the local distribution company.
A fifth concerns the negotiation of special contracts (bundled) where applicable.
Commodity (energy) cost reduction - for smaller consumers are​​ the same as the second through fifth areas of focus for large natural gas consumers.​
​Local distribution cost reduction - we specialize in negotiating special contracts that deliver significant savings without compromising service levels (firm, etc.). Once again, our unique skills at negotiating through development of the raisons d'état and d'être is essential for both success and the magnitude of that success in achieving reductions. We accomplish this through extensive knowledge of the tariffs and regulatory system as well as our own deep experience with special contract negotiations. Savings of 90% have been achieved.
Utility-related tax reduction - Where such taxes have been imposed, our approach - statute not program and policy - and our innate understanding of the law in conjunction with our significant engineering, research & development and manufacturing experience has enabled us to achieve exemptions thought impossible.
Water: We negotiate special contracts.
Wastewater: Our approach is two-fold:
We negotiate special contracts.
We utilize our scientific and engineering expertise coupled with our analytical capabilities to challenge sample design and reconfigure same.
Any business or government that would like to reduce its energy and/or utility costs without disruption - without creating risk - needs US Consults now.
US Consults has an impeccable, successful history of securing discretionary reductions in energy and utility costs - providing its own resources for the process - and requiring no resources from its clients. More importantly, it is US Consults that has the successful experience and unique skill sets required to construct a successful negotiation - one that captures benefits thought to be impossible. Achieving those results is not serendipity. It is the result of extensive research, intensive analysis, and refined communication skills to establish and validate the raisons d'état and d'être establishing value in the proposition to all parties.
So the time to engage US Consults is now.
Contact us to talk or learn more: