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We improve your ROI through the negotiation and delivery of discretionary grants and other cash-value benefits.  These benefits reduce operating costs and/or the cash layout for the investment.  




We negotiate and deliver discretionary benefits that reduce capital demands including:

  • Cash Grants

    • CAPEX

      • Land, building & infrastructure

      • Equipment (new & maintenance)

      • Research & development

    • Expense

      • Labor (wage subsidies & training - existing operations as well as new/relocated)

      • Utilities (special contracts reducing rates for electricity, natural gas, water and wastewater)

      • Materials (consumables loss during start-up/commissioning)

      • Services

      • Research & Development

  • Tax Mitigation

    • Sales & use tax exemptions and sharing

    • Property tax exemptions, abatements, refunds and credits

    • Investment tax credits and refunds

    • Employment tax credits and refunds

  • Tariff Mitigation

    • Inversion​

    • Exemption

    • Quota management

    • Duty drawback

  • Below-Market-Rate Financing​

    • Triple-tax exempt​

    • Subsidized rates




Because you'd like to improve your ROI and you're likely not receiving benefits mentioned above. Whether our clients are planning to make an investment or engage in M&A activities, US Consults can bring significant new value to you just like we've done for other clients for decades.  And that has been true whether our client has a 80-attorney government relations group tasked with negotiating government incentives or is a small sole proprietorship.  It is true for local government as well - regardless of the counsel they engage or the organizations to which they may belong.


The most significant benefits are almost always discretionary, meaning that one must research, develop, analyze and communicate the added value the one in control of the benefit derives from anointing the recipient with the benefit.  The value-added to the recipient of course is obvious - but not so the totality of the value to the benefactor.


US Consults is expert at developing and communicating the raisons d'état and d'être that articulate and validate that value to the benefactor.  It is not an exercise in expository writing.  It is research and analysis.  It is expansive in scope, evaluating political, legal, socio-economic, and financial consequences.  It incorporates industry and competitive landscapes as well as market analyses.  It is comprehensive, but clear.


US Consults is also expert at writing grant applications - which it does ONLY after it has already successfully negotiated the grant award.  The grant applications are produced by US Consults without diverting any client resources - and similar to the raisons d'état and d'être white paper developed for the negotiation, the grant application (with attachments not necessarily requested in the application itself but intrinsic to maximizing the award) may exceed 100 pages.


It is an investment in time and effort by US Consults without demand on client resources - before negotiations for the discretionary benefit even begin.


One can short-circuit the process and like Oliver ask, "More porridge, please?"  But if you are only satisfied by seeing what's behind the curtain to maximize your return, then US Consults can help.​




Any business or government that wants to reduce its operating costs without disruption - without wage concessions, reorganization, etc. - can use US Consults.  We had a public company client engage us because they had to withdraw from certain markets because their costs exceeded their competitors' prices. We helped them reduce costs enabling our client to re-enter and then dominate the very same markets.


If your business is considering investing, divesting or acquiring, call us BEFORE you act.




(631) 474.1151



Jackson, Wyoming



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